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Dry Herbs Without a Dehydrator

Herbs are great! They are easy to grow and easy to dry so you can enjoy them all year round.

Grow perennial herbs like Oregano, Thyme, Mint and Lovage - they will die back in the fall and start growing again in the Spring.
Time: 3 Days Cost: $2 Difficulty: Easy
  • dry herbs without a dehydrator
This is Lovage and it grows about 5 feet high! Think of all the leaves you could dry from this plant.
  • dry herbs without a dehydrator
Snip the stems as low as you can but be sure to leave some stems on, so it will continue to grow. You can get several pickings of leaves over the growing season.

If you are going to dry them in the basket, snip all the leaves off and throw out the stems.
  • dry herbs without a dehydrator
You can let them air dry in a basket or shallow bowl. Take a look here to see even more ways you can easily dry any kind of herb without using a dehydrator.

  • dry herbs without a dehydrator
If you dry your herbs in a bowl, be sure to run your fingers through and stir up the leaves a few times a day. An open weave basket works better because there is more air circulation.
  • dry herbs without a dehydrator
I use a different method to preserve Basil, because dried Basil is

Come on over to Country Living in a Cariboo Valley to see how we enjoy fresh tasting home grown Basil, even in February!

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