Off the Wall Repurposed Paint Brush Hooks

I just bet every single one of us has a paint brush or seven that's gone rock hard or keeps loosing it's bristles. I have loads of them   and I needed to find a way to repurpose them.
off the wall repurposed paint brush hooks
That cutie pie in the pic is the latest addition to our family. EeeeeDeeeee Riley Pipsquick The Third. My daughter named her   She must be the one of the smallest fur babies with the longest name ever. Anyways, on to those paint brushes. I decided they would make great hooks and look pretty cool hanging in our bedroom. Here's what you need if you want to save some of your paint brushes from ending up in the trash.
  • Thick, sturdy wire and a pair of pliers
  • Paint in any color you like
  • Strong glue
  • Paint brushes that have gone hard and can't be cleaned (If you don't have some of those you can just dip the bristles in any of that stuff that normally makes the bristles go hard like Mod Podge, glue or varnish)
off the wall repurposed paint brush hooks
Clean off any oily residue and spray or paint the brushes in a color that suits your decor. We used a matt black spray paint and copper leaf for ours. Use something sharp, like a metal skewer, to create a gap between the metal bracing that holds the bristles onto the handle.
off the wall repurposed paint brush hooks
Bend a few bits of wire to form hooks and then glue them inside that gap.
off the wall repurposed paint brush hooks
Hang them on the wall or screw them onto a small pallets shelf to create a unique and trendy little wall rack.
off the wall repurposed paint brush hooks
I'd love to hear what you think and whether you've found any interesting ways to repurpose paint brushes. Let me know in the comments and if you need a more detail tutorial, pop into the blog for all the extra bits.

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