Chair for Charity Creation
Here she is! All done! The old chair that's been sitting in my basement for two years - add some paint and exterior clear coat, a few bits n bobs and you have yourself a fab little welcoming centre good for all seasons. Swap the plants out for hardy greens or ivys in the summer months and it's just a fun little piece! Kids Campaign for the local YMCA. Local businesses sponsor a chair to be re-purposed or
It is a great fit for Christmas time - however - simply remove the bow and pointsettia and replace with a nice fern or ivy for the summer months!
The before. If it looks familiar - that's because it was part of the set that made the white triplets bench I did ummmmm 2 years ago? Wow. Ya. It's been sitting in my basement for 2 years ( *cough junk hoarder cough*)
Missing the seat on it - so I simply cut this out of some plywood and created the hole to be able to sink other plants into for future use.
We wrapped the base of the chair in a burlap skirt and added some tacs and Vickie painted a little Welcome sign on it to add to the charm of the front door fru fruification! FAB!
I sunk an old burlap bag into the hole and secured it with some nails, glue and a rope to clean up the edges a little. Then called my gal pal Vickie to work her fru fru-i-fying magic on the centre piece.
Some burlap bling! Ya. That's a thing! Burlap can be blingy too y'know haha
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