Chair for Charity Creation

Here she is! All done! The old chair that's been sitting in my basement for two years - add some paint and exterior clear coat, a few bits n bobs and you have yourself a fab little welcoming centre good for all seasons. Swap the plants out for hardy greens or ivys in the summer months and it's just a fun little piece! Kids Campaign for the local YMCA. Local businesses sponsor a chair to be re-purposed or
A cutie little before and after comparison
A cutie little before and after comparison
chair for charity creation, christmas decorations, repurposing upcycling, seasonal holiday decor, It is a great fit for Christmas time however simply remove the bow and pointsettia and replace with a nice fern or ivy for the summer months
It is a great fit for Christmas time - however - simply remove the bow and pointsettia and replace with a nice fern or ivy for the summer months!
chair for charity creation, christmas decorations, repurposing upcycling, seasonal holiday decor, The before If it looks familiar that s because it was part of the set that made the white triplets bench I did ummmmm 2 years ago Wow Ya It s been sitting in my basement for 2 years cough junk hoarder cough
The before. If it looks familiar - that's because it was part of the set that made the white triplets bench I did ummmmm 2 years ago? Wow. Ya. It's been sitting in my basement for 2 years ( *cough junk hoarder cough*)
chair for charity creation, christmas decorations, repurposing upcycling, seasonal holiday decor
chair for charity creation, christmas decorations, repurposing upcycling, seasonal holiday decor, Missing the seat on it so I simply cut this out of some plywood and created the hole to be able to sink other plants into for future use
Missing the seat on it - so I simply cut this out of some plywood and created the hole to be able to sink other plants into for future use.
chair for charity creation, christmas decorations, repurposing upcycling, seasonal holiday decor, We wrapped the base of the chair in a burlap skirt and added some tacs and Vickie painted a little Welcome sign on it to add to the charm of the front door fru fruification FAB
We wrapped the base of the chair in a burlap skirt and added some tacs and Vickie painted a little Welcome sign on it to add to the charm of the front door fru fruification! FAB!
chair for charity creation, christmas decorations, repurposing upcycling, seasonal holiday decor, I sunk an old burlap bag into the hole and secured it with some nails glue and a rope to clean up the edges a little Then called my gal pal Vickie to work her fru fru i fying magic on the centre piece
I sunk an old burlap bag into the hole and secured it with some nails, glue and a rope to clean up the edges a little. Then called my gal pal Vickie to work her fru fru-i-fying magic on the centre piece.
chair for charity creation, christmas decorations, repurposing upcycling, seasonal holiday decor, I sunk an old burlap bag into the hole and secured it with some nails glue and a rope to clean up the edges a little Then called my gal pal Vickie to work her fru fru i fying magic on the centre piece
chair for charity creation, christmas decorations, repurposing upcycling, seasonal holiday decor, Some burlap bling Ya That s a thing Burlap can be blingy too y know haha
Some burlap bling! Ya. That's a thing! Burlap can be blingy too y'know haha

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