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French Provincial End Table Makeover

I found this lovely end table online that needed some TLC as it was stripped and bare of much character. I knew that it had potential and it was in good shape, so I was very excited about hubby and I picking it up, even though it was -40 (C or F!) with the windchill that day! I know ... we're crazy!
Have a look at how I transformed this into a charming table that will make someone very happy, I'm sure.
Time: 5 Hours Cost: $50 Difficulty: Easy
  • french provincial end table makeover
This is the original table, already sanded down by the previous owner. How lucky is that?
  • french provincial end table makeover
  • french provincial end table makeover

Those legs. Aaaahhh, those sexy table legs that I have a very hard time saying 'no' to! I couldn't wait to get started in highlighting those details.
  • french provincial end table makeover
This is often a scary step, where I 'splotch' a base colour here and there, knowing that when I distress at the end, it will appear and be highlighted to bring character to the piece. I chose to paint a black chalk paint first.
  • french provincial end table makeover
  • french provincial end table makeover
I then covered the whole table and drawer with Fusion Mineral paint, in Lamp White, which is a very pale grey. This is after the first coat.
  • french provincial end table makeover

See how the details of the leg work is starting to be defined? I ended up painting three coats of FMP in Lamp White for a uniform finish, distressed along the edges, where natural wear and tear might occur, and then gave it a coat of beeswax that I buffed.
  • french provincial end table makeover
I wanted to cover the outside and inside of the drawer with a fabric, so I used Mod Podge to do that.
  • french provincial end table makeover
This is the first time I tried this technique, where you apply Mod Podge (a decoupage medium), let it dry, then apply the fabric with a low heat iron. I then covered the fabric with two coats of Mod Podge, with a light sanding in between to soften things.
  • french provincial end table makeover
There she is, completely transformed! It was a relatively easy project to do and I was very motivated as I just love this piece. Give a piece of furniture new life with some paint, some character and a whole new look!
  • french provincial end table makeover
I kept the original hardware, giving it a good cleaning and a coat of varnish. I think the added peek of fabric on the side is pretty cool.

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