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How to Repurpose Oats Container

I have used oats containers to store a lot of things but the problem is when I want one item, I have to dump the whole container to look for that one item. So, I decided to repurpose the oats container into a container with containers inside(you get it, right? ;)) so that it is easy to organize and sort things inside. Let's see how.
Time: 2 Days Cost: $0 Difficulty: Medium
  • how to repurpose oats container
  • how to repurpose oats container
Make a slit on one side of the container and cut open the container in such a way that half of the container is open. 
  • how to repurpose oats container
Cover the container with card stock of your choice with double sided tape and decorate it with washi tape, if desired. If you want to overlap the container at the edge a little bit, leave an inch of card stock and fold it over to secure.
  • how to repurpose oats container
  • how to repurpose oats container
Cut two pieces of paper, fold and secure it with tape to act as a closure. Glue a piece of velcro to the edge of the paper and glue the another piece of velcro to the container. 
  • how to repurpose oats container
  • how to repurpose oats container
Trace the top or bottom part of the container on to a cardboard, cut four pieces of circles in the cardboard. Cover it card stock using tape or glue.
  • how to repurpose oats container
Glue one piece of cardboard to the top of the container using hot glue.For the remaining steps,  Click here to check how I fixed the containers inside and completed the project.
  • how to repurpose oats container
  • how to repurpose oats container

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