Best Ways to Germinate Any Vegetable Seed
Early spring is the best time to start a lot of vegetable seeds. Here we share three simple ways to start any vegetable seed easily.
Time: 20 Minutes Cost: $1 Difficulty: Easy
For small seeds like Chilli, Fenugreek, Capsicum , Radish, Tomato, Spinach, Brinjal, etc. you can keep the seeds in a moist tissue paper and seal it in a bag
Its important that the tissue paper that you're using is just moist and not soaked in water otherwise it won't work. Secondly, you can keep the bag near the window- it will help maintain good temperature conditions.
For the large sized seeds. The major issue with these bigger seeds ( like zucchini, squash. pumpkin, and most gourds ) is that the outside coat is too hard. So we need to soak it in water overnight .
Materials used for this project:
- Seeds
- Tissue paper
- Plastic bag
- Water sprayer (optional) to soak the tissue paper
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