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IOD Decor Stamps and Milk Paint Make the Perfect Pair

Grab a run down vintage dresser and give it a whole new lease on life with some Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint and some IOD Grainery Decor Stamps.
Time: 3 Hours Cost: $30 Difficulty: Medium
  • iod decor stamps and milk paint make the perfect pair
I picked up this vintage dresser in January and even though it was pretty banged up, it was still in good working order. I thought it was a perfect candidate to try some IOD grain sack stripes decor stamps I received on. 

I love grain sack stripes so was super excited to give these a whirl.

  • iod decor stamps and milk paint make the perfect pair

Before trying my new stamps, the dresser got a face lift with two coats of Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint in Mora inside and out.
  • iod decor stamps and milk paint make the perfect pair
When the dresser was finished getting it's gorgeous new pale grey coat, it was time for the IOD stamps. 

I have tried IOD decor transfers before ( see that project here...) and really loved how they turned out but had not had a chance to try the stamps until this project.
  • iod decor stamps and milk paint make the perfect pair

I chose the stamp that looked like a leaf pattern inside of some stripes. It easily stuck to the large stamping block and I inked it up with some of the white ink.

It is worth noting that I also tried the stamp with white paint and it worked beautifully as well so you can definitely use either; the ink or the paint... whatever you have on hand.
  • iod decor stamps and milk paint make the perfect pair
I quickly realized that the ink was very slippy so the stamping worked much better when I tipped the dresser on it's back and laid it down.
  • iod decor stamps and milk paint make the perfect pair
I was so pleased with how the lines of the dresser played off of the lines of the stamp.  It was like they were made for each other ;)

The white stamp added just a touch of Scandinavian flair to the vintage dresser. It wasn't overpowering to add the stamp and looks like it has been there forever.
  • iod decor stamps and milk paint make the perfect pair
To see more pictures from this project as well as other furniture recreations, please visit the Recreated Designs blog.

Happy Painting!

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