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Less Mess Ceiling Hook Installation.

I needed a hole in my ceiling but I didn't want to move the cabinet so I could have an easy clean up. I've seen tips like stick a post-it note to the wall to catch the plaster dust. But that isn't going to work on the ceiling. So I put on my thinking hat...
Time: 5 Minutes Cost: $2 Difficulty: Easy
  • less mess ceiling hook installation
This is the basket I needed to hang. I got it for a whole dollar at a yard sale. The white thing is a 2 cup sour cream container. In hindsight a smaller 1 cup or yogurt container would have been better but I was working with what I had. You will also need an electric drill and the appropriate sized drill bit. Not pictured is the package of ceiling hooks. oops.

  • less mess ceiling hook installation
Up there is where I needed the hook.
  • less mess ceiling hook installation
Fit the drill with the appropriate sized drill bit. And drill a hole in the center of the container. Oh I see in this pic it's not sour cream it's a lard container. No matter it needed to be smaller. The problem was the depth of the container. The drill bit was barely able to pierce the ceiling. A smaller container would have given me more length of the drill bit.
  • less mess ceiling hook installation
Now push the container all the way down on the bit and put a hole in the ceiling. The container will catch any mess that spins off the drill bit.
  • less mess ceiling hook installation
There is my hole ready for the ceiling hook. And there was no mess on the cabinet below.
  • less mess ceiling hook installation
Assemble the anchor to the hook and insert in the ceiling and tighten it up.
  • less mess ceiling hook installation
And hang your basket.
  • less mess ceiling hook installation
My basket is holding the acorn squash I accidentally grew. I grew them the year before and I guess I missed one while harvesting. It's easy to do the vines can take over the yard. So this one popped up out of those seeds. Free food Yay!! 

Materials used for this project:

  • Drill and bits   (Most big box stores)
  • Ceiling hook   (Most big box stores)
  • Disposable food container   (my kitchen)

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