How to Make a Flip Flop Bin for Storage and Organization

It's Flip Flop Season! Yah one of my favorite times of the year. I have so many flip flops and I needed to tame this mess in my closet.

I was storing my flip flops in a plastic drawer making it difficult to find the matching pair.
Flip flop storage before.
Flip flop storage before.
I made this out of wood and added some ropes to give it a beachy theme.

Line up the edges of the 13 1/2 inch board with the 16 1/2 inch board, apply wood glue along the edge and nail the edges together.  Repeat this until all the sides are glued and nailed together.  
I think my closet looks much better now. I was able to fit 20 pairs of flip flops in the bin.
To see the complete post click below.
flip flop bin
Glue and staple the plywood to the bottom of sides to make the bottom.   
flip flop bin
I used wood filler to fill in the nail holes and sanded the whole piece.

While the wood filler was drying I made the dividers.  To get the measurements of the dividers I measured the length, width and depth of the inside of the box allowing for a little extra space on the sides to be able to slide the dividers in and out. For the height I made my cuts slightly shorter than the height of the sides. 

To make the dividers I started by measuring out and marking three equal distances across the board where I wanted my dividers to cross.  
flip flop bin
There are two ways to create the slits for the dividers. One way is to use a saw and cut away at the slits little by little until you have cut out enough width so the dividers can slide in the slit.  In this case 1/4 inch.  The other way is to make two cuts on either side of the slits and then use a screwdriver head to pop out the remaining attached piece.  

Here is a tutorial to help you How to Make Wood Dividers.

It was now ready to be stained, painted, labeled and roughed up beach style.  These steps are completely optional, but since flip flops represent summer and the beach to me I though it only fitting to give the flip flop bin some summer style. I stained the whole piece then added some chalk paint in random areas. Then I covered it all in a coat of white paint.
flip flop bin
At this point I was left with a white box.  I used 80 grit sand paper and sanded all over the piece.  As I sanded, the stain, yellow and green/blue started to come through giving a beach like appearance.  I loved how it was turning out.  

Then I painted Flip Flops on the side and added some rope handles using hose clamps.
flip flop bin
flip flop bin
flip flop bin
So much better now!

If you would like another summer project check out this BBQ Caddy.

Thank you for checking out this project. To see more about this project and other DIY and home decor projects please come visit me.

Dream BIG and DO it!


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