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Paracord Wine Bottle Bird Feeder

I've eyed many wine bottle bird feeder designs over the past few months. I decided to come up with a different design. This design uses paracord and wine corks. Now I can wine and dine my birds in style.
paracord wine bottle bird feeder, animals, crafts, gardening, pets animals, repurposing upcycling, tools
I traced out my boards using dinner plates. 8 inches for top board and 6 inches for middle and bottom board. I cut, drilled and sanded all three boards and finished with 3 coats of latex paint.
paracord wine bottle bird feeder, animals, crafts, gardening, pets animals, repurposing upcycling, tools
I tied a 4-strand braid onto a carabiner for the hanger. Ended the braid with an overhand knot.
paracord wine bottle bird feeder, animals, crafts, gardening, pets animals, repurposing upcycling, tools
Fed the paracord through the holes and tied stopper knots to hold the whole assembly together. Used a level and adjusted knots to keep boards level.
paracord wine bottle bird feeder, animals, crafts, gardening, pets animals, repurposing upcycling, tools
Drilled holes through the corks and fed them on the paracord as I assembled the feeder.
paracord wine bottle bird feeder, animals, crafts, gardening, pets animals, repurposing upcycling, tools
Brought the 4 strands together underneath and tied an overhand knot. Cut excess and singed ends with a lighter.
paracord wine bottle bird feeder, animals, crafts, gardening, pets animals, repurposing upcycling, tools
Use a funnel to fill the wine bottle with bird seed.
paracord wine bottle bird feeder, animals, crafts, gardening, pets animals, repurposing upcycling, tools
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Thanks, and happy crafting!!
paracord wine bottle bird feeder, animals, crafts, gardening, pets animals, repurposing upcycling, tools

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