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Catio, All Done! (At Least, Mostly So.)

We've been working for several months on a catio so our indoor cats can get a tiny taste of outside every now and then.
Time: 3 Months Cost: $300 Difficulty: Advanced
  • catio all done at least mostly so
There are plenty of tutorials online for building catios so I won't give one here, but I'll share pics of our steps as we went along.
  • catio all done at least mostly so
This is our basic frame. We already had the cedar from a project the hub was working on before he was injured in an automobile accident last spring.
  • catio all done at least mostly so
In this shot, we'd already added screen and hardware cloth on the sides, top and bottom. We'd also added a tin roof.
  • catio all done at least mostly so
Here's the unit with double doors that will allow us to wash windows. 😜
  • catio all done at least mostly so
An inside view. The hub needs to work up a window block/cat door but for now, on this 78° day in the Texas Hill country, it's lovely without it. (Blinds are out of whack from working on the project.)

As I said, for numerous reasons it's taken us several months to do this. Likely it wouldn't take most people that long.

I truly can't estimate the cost on this since we had most of the components already. It wasn't free; even with what we had on hand there was the cost of screening and hardware cloth and nuts and bolts, etc. I think my husband said the cedar originally cost around $300 so that's the price I'm putting on this. Please excuse the guesstimate, and pay no attention to it!

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