DIY Upcycled Paper Mache Bird Sculpture

Make a cute Carolina Wren or other bird sculpture for your home using primarily household supplies. Complete easy to follow tutorial with free printable pattern.
Time: 2 Days Cost: $5 Difficulty: Easy
  • diy upcycled paper mache bird sculpture
Print and cut out the body (free pattern available on my site) from an old cardboard box and pad each side of the body with crumpled newspaper, junk mail, used wrapping paper or etc. Wrap the entire thing in masking tape.
  • diy upcycled paper mache bird sculpture
Add tail feathers and wings from lightweight cardboard such as a cereal box (free printable wing pattern available on my site).
  • diy upcycled paper mache bird sculpture
Make feet, toes and legs from wire and tooth picks using hot glue. Wrap in floral tape to help secure.
  • diy upcycled paper mache bird sculpture

Add to the bottom of your bird securing with a little hot glue.
  • diy upcycled paper mache bird sculpture
Cover the entire bird in Activa FastMache and prop in a standing position to dry.
  • diy upcycled paper mache bird sculpture
Once the bird is completely dry. Decorate as desired.
  • diy upcycled paper mache bird sculpture
I like to decoupage mine with copies of historical newspapers using Mod Podge and then paint with acrylic craft paint. Since I was making a Carolina Wren (the State Bird of South Carolina) I used a copy of a newspaper from my hometown in the 1800s. These newspapers a free for printing and a link is available on my site. When I finished I sealed the entire bird in Mod Podge to give it a nice finished look.
  • diy upcycled paper mache bird sculpture

For more in depth instructions and the free printable pattern please be sure to visit the original tutorial using the link below. I also have supplies and a gift card for this and many more project up for grabs in a giveaway!
  • diy upcycled paper mache bird sculpture
Giveaway ends 02/28/2018. If you miss it be sure to sign up for updates on my site to be notified of new giveaways and tutorials.

Until next time, Happy Crafting!

Materials used for this project:

  • Activa Fast Mache   (Craft Store or Amazon)
  • Cardboard   (Recycle Bin)
  • Newspaper   (Recycle Bin)
  • Mod Podge   (Craft Store or Amazon)
  • Free Paper Mache Bird Pattern   (
  • Acrylic Craft Paint   (Craft Store or Amazon)
  • Decorative Paper Printable   (
  • Masking Tape   (Various Stores or Amazon)
  • Craft wire or thin wire hanger   (Varies according to type)
  • Wood Tooth Picks   (Various Stores)
  • Floral Tape   (Various Stores or Amazon)

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