Dollar Store Easter Burlap Wreath,perfect for the Holiday and Spring

Let me just start with this, I LOVE TO MAKE BURLAP WREATHS! And living in Minnesota right now with all the super bowl stuff going on, doing crafts was a welcomed distraction from all the super bowl activities going on around is.
Bought alot of the supplies at our local dollar store. You would be amazed how much you can find there.
The burlap I did buy at Walmart but on clearance as it was considered a Halloween color... I'm always on the look out for good clearance. I got this huge roll for $1.00!
Enjoy and hope you like it...

Time: 40 Minutes Cost: $8 Difficulty: Easy
  • dollar store easter burlap wreath perfect for the holiday and spring
Gathered all supplies needed... metal wreath (dollar store), Bunny (dollar store), Easter eggs (dollar store 2 for $1.00), pipe wire, Burlap, and colored tool.
  • dollar store easter burlap wreath perfect for the holiday and spring
Cut all my pieces. Approx 6" each piece.
  • dollar store easter burlap wreath perfect for the holiday and spring
Gather the ends of the burlap or tool.
  • dollar store easter burlap wreath perfect for the holiday and spring
Then tie together with gold pipe cut in halves.
  • dollar store easter burlap wreath perfect for the holiday and spring
Same thing with the burlap...
  • dollar store easter burlap wreath perfect for the holiday and spring
Then attach to the metal wreath.
  • dollar store easter burlap wreath perfect for the holiday and spring
And you just keep attaching and then add the tool every so often for color.
  • dollar store easter burlap wreath perfect for the holiday and spring
Finished with burlap and tool. Now to add details..
  • dollar store easter burlap wreath perfect for the holiday and spring
Add a bunny in the center of my wreath. Ties on with green floral wire. Each foot and both ears. That wire is is secured to the wreath. That bunny will not be going anywhere.
  • dollar store easter burlap wreath perfect for the holiday and spring
Back side of the wreath...
  • dollar store easter burlap wreath perfect for the holiday and spring
Then added Easter eggs. I used my hot glue gun to seal all the eggs closed and the. Hot glued gen to the wreath...
  • dollar store easter burlap wreath perfect for the holiday and spring
Finished product. Will be hung on my door. Going to wait until after Valentine's Day...

Materials used for this project:

  • Burlap   (Walmart)
  • Metal wreath frame   (Dollar store)
  • Colored tool $1.87 each   (Crafts Direct (Local craft store))
  • Gold pipe wires   (Dollar store)

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