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Paper Flowers 💐 Origami

Valentine’s Day aproaching and I thought it would be lovely to make my own flowers that will last so much longer and so much love 💕 I hope you enjoy and feel free to look at my other posts as I have origami butterflies and hearts easy to follow and if you have any questions feel free to comment and I will try help if I can :)
Time: 10 Minutes Cost: $1 Difficulty: Easy
  • paper flowers origami
Take a peice of paper fold into 4 and cut out 4 squares evenly for each flower 🌷 you will need 5 squares
  • paper flowers origami
fold the square in half to form a triangle
  • paper flowers origami
Then take the bottom corners of the triangle and fold upward to the centre of the point in the triangle and do that to both side
  • paper flowers origami
You will end up with it looking like his picture
  • paper flowers origami
If you gently squeeze the edge and press it open in the next picture you will see what you need it to look like
  • paper flowers origami
Press firmly to make a firm crease
  • paper flowers origami
repet on the other side as well
  • paper flowers origami
Fold over the top little triangle on both sides
  • paper flowers origami
now fold this little pieces in half on both sides
  • paper flowers origami
This is what you should have this is and will be 1 petal
  • paper flowers origami
A gentle squeeze and these 2 edges is were you pop some glue and squeeze together and set aside to dry and.repet these steps till you have 5 petals
  • paper flowers origami
This is one petal completed :)
  • paper flowers origami
Now run some glue along each edge to join all the petals and set aside to dry
  • paper flowers origami
This a couple finished once you have made 1 flower it is really easy and it takes no time to finish the rest and it won’t be long before you have. A lovely bunch :) I popped a wooden skewer down the center
  • paper flowers origami
On my way to my 1st dozen happy valentines day everyone

Materials used for this project:

  • Origami paper   (Craft store)
  • Scissors   (I already had)
  • Glue stick   (Craft store)

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