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Inexpensive, Valentine Day Wreath

Hometalk Challenge: Valentine's Day. What a special day! Who doesn't love ❤️ a day of love ? We are encouraged to share and show love by the giving of a simple, thoughtful card or by the giving of gifts. The best part is the theme of Valentine's "What the world 🌎 needs now, is love sweet love" ... When I think of Valentine's, I think of red and pink hearts, children choosing that one special Valentine for their teacher and their friends and sweetness. For this special February day, I needed a Valentine wreath for my door. On one of my recent treasure hunting trips to the thrift store, I purchased two bright, red heart shaped pieces and a spool of a perfectly, beautiful pink ribbon and a piece of red burlap ribbon, trimmed in red. The materials along with a pinch of imagination, and I will have a bright red and pink, inexpensive Valentine's Day wreath to welcome guests as they enter our home.

Time: 30 Minutes Cost: $5 Difficulty: Easy
  • inexpensive valentine day wreath
1st: I laid the wreaths side-by-side to decide on the design and the best way to connect them together to achieve the desired look for my Valentine wreath.

  • inexpensive valentine day wreath
2nd: I decided to stagger the heart-shaped wreaths, by placing the smallest one a tad below the largest wreath.
  • inexpensive valentine day wreath
3rd: To connect the wreaths together, I used a long, plastic trash bag tie. I ran the plastic tie through the largest wreath and around the smaller wreath. Next, I twisted the plastic tie, tightly and tucked the ends under so they would not show.

  • inexpensive valentine day wreath
4th: I tied a piece of white ribbon around the connection, thinking the white would enhance the red. The burlap ribbon was put aside, just didn’t work for the look I wanted.

  • inexpensive valentine day wreath
5th: Next, I layed the pink ribbon on the wreath. Loved the pink against the red but the small piece of white seemed to stand out. The white in that area, looked out of place. So, I removed the white ribbon. It served no purpose, this step was simple, just untie, remove and save for another project, another day.
  • inexpensive valentine day wreath
6th: I made a bow from the pink ribbon and tied it to the wreath.
  • inexpensive valentine day wreath
7th: I felt the wreath needed a little something else. I dug through a drawer of “stuff” and found the perfect thing/things, plastic words written in a beautiful cursive handwriting. I choose three of them, love, xoxo and you & me. The color of two words were not what I wanted, easy fix. I sprayed them with white spray paint.
  • inexpensive valentine day wreath
8th: Not being the most patience person, I used a blow dryer to speed dry the paint. Next, I used a gun glue to hot glue the words to the wreath. Even though the white ribbon looked out of place, the white words were a perfect touch of white.
  • inexpensive valentine day wreath
Welcome with love 💕 family & friends!

Materials used for this project:

  • Heart wreaths   (Thrift store)
  • Ribbon   (Thrift store)
  • Plastic words   (Had)
  • Glue gun   (Had)
  • Glue sticks   (Had)
  • Spray paint   (Dollar Store)
  • Plastic tie   (Had)

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