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The First of Many Holiday Wreaths

I have made many wreaths for myself, but the wreaths I'll be making now will be for someone special. My niece is getting married and I decided I will make a wreath for every holiday for one of her shower gifts. I'm going purchase a containers so she'll have storage, to keep organized. Ready for every holiday. So, of course the first one I'm making is for Valentine's Day.
Time: 2 Hours Cost: $4 Difficulty: Easy
  • the first of many holiday wreaths
I started with the wreath, which I had. I attached the wooden plaque, with the hot glue gun. I started trimming the bundles of flowers. Keeping them separated so it will go faster.
  • the first of many holiday wreaths
I started placing the flowers around the wreath, until I was sure I had everything placed right. That's when I started to hot glue them in place. I made a wire hook for hanging out of floral wire.
  • the first of many holiday wreaths
The last thing to do was a bow, I made a bow with wired ribbon. I purchased clear trash bags to wrap up the wreath, so it stays clean until I purchase a container.
  • the first of many holiday wreaths

Materials used for this project:

  • 2 bunches of flowers   (Dollar store)
  • Wooden plaque   (Dollar store)
  • Wreath   (Had on hand)
  • Ribbon   (Had on hand)
  • Small decorative hearts   (Dollar store)

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