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Stepper Just for Display

Friend of mine asked me if I could do something with her old yellow step ladder which she didn’t want to throw away because it was given to her by her Mom so there is sentimental attachment to it.
First I gave it little cleaning and scrubbing any lose paint, then spray painted to match her colors in the apartment and added some flowers , also as bonus I painted hard board which she could display. She was so happy when I gave it back to her and I am happy that I could preserve something so sentimental to her.
Time: 2 Hours Cost: $25 Difficulty: Easy
  • stepper just for display
Cleaned it first and scrubbed lose paint.
  • stepper just for display
Just noticed small crack in the corner so definitely this couldn’t be use as originally designed for.
  • stepper just for display
After spray painted I added some flowers.
  • stepper just for display
As bonus I hang some hard board which I painted to match my friend’s interior colors and that’s how it looks like now.

Materials used for this project:

  • Citrus Degreaser, scrubbing pad, spray paint, acrylic paints and varnish.  (Home Depot)

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