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DIY Mirror Makeover: Stencil Your Favorite Quote on a Mirror

Add major character to your home with a DIY mirror tutorial, featuring an ornate mirror from Howard Elliott and a custom stencil from Stencils Online.
The following statement may come as a surprise to some (you know, since I NEVER talk about Paris or my obsession with all things French), but if I could live anywhere in the world, it would be Paris.
I cannot believe that three years passed since I wandered
diy mirror makeover stencil your favorite quote on a mirror, crafts, how to, painted furniture
Step 1 | Pop over to and choose your favorite mirror. I, of course, chose a Paris-inspired, neoclassical number. Which one is your favorite?
For whatever strange reason, the mister refuses to drop our current life in the states and re-locate to the City of Light (how rude!). So until that day comes, I'll settle for surrounding myself with things that remind me of my beloved "Paree."
diy mirror makeover stencil your favorite quote on a mirror, crafts, how to, painted furniture
Step 2 | Choose your favorite quote. This part of the process is the most time-consuming, because how in the world do you choose only one?
At first, my francophilian heart was set on something French. The more I searched for a fitting quote, lyric or poem, however, the more I realized that a French quote on a French mirror is far too clich̩ and desperate Рtwo qualities that the French absolutely abhor. Instead, I went for an element of surprise with 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 but in Russian Рas a nod to my own roots and heritage.
In addition, I would be covering quite a large amount of space, so this particular verse was perfect in length, too. I plan to install the mirror over the mantle (if we ever figure out the ghastly fireplace situation), and I adore the idea of a daily reminder that love is the greatest guiding principle of life.
As far as the design is concerned, I designed the layout in InDesign. A much easier option for non-designers, however, is to simply send your quote and font choice to Stencils Online, and their helpful designer will mock up your custom stencil and send a proof for you to review.
diy mirror makeover stencil your favorite quote on a mirror, crafts, how to, painted furniture
Step 3 | Get your hands on some good, ol' tape and a can of spray paint in the color of your choice. With an overwhelming collection of gold spray paint and white primer, I decided that gold on gold was, again, too in-your-face and opted for the white instead.
You could also use an etching cream or chalk paint; both materials work just as well on a mirrored surface. Using spray paint, however, eliminates the need for any sort of application brush.
diy mirror makeover stencil your favorite quote on a mirror, crafts, how to, painted furniture
Step 4 | You'll want your work of art to look professional – unlike a five-year-old's arts and crafts project – so an even application is key. Place the stencil over the mirror and slide it around until the sheet is right in the center (or wherever you want your quote to be). If in doubt, use a measuring tape to check that you have an even amount of mirror surface on each side of the stencil.
diy mirror makeover stencil your favorite quote on a mirror, crafts, how to, painted furniture
Step 5 | Ensure full contact between the stencil and the mirror surface by smoothing out any air bubbles under the stencil. If any loose letter parts stick up, you may end up with a fuzzy edge around the letter.
The stencil text is cut out in a way that bridges inner, unattached material – like the inside of the letter "e" – to the rest of the stencil using thin vertical lines. This technique is called bridging, and it adds extra sturdiness to the stencil.
However, if your text is quite large, like mine was, then you may find it difficult to spray paint clean edges for certain letters like "h," "c," and "p," due to the fact that these letters all have larger loose parts. If that is the case, you may want to use a removable adhesive to temporary attach the stencil to the mirror during application.
Attach the stencil to the mirror with tape, so it doesn't shift and ruin your work while you're spray painting. Blue painter's tape is best, simply because it's easier to remove afterwards.
Cover the mirror frame and edges with scrap newspaper or garbage bags; make sure you've sealed off any remains of the mirror surface. Cover the space where you're working with dropcloth or scrap cardboard, with plenty of space around the mirror for you to extend the spray can beyond the frame as you apply the primer.
diy mirror makeover stencil your favorite quote on a mirror, crafts, how to, painted furniture
Step 6 | Prepare the can of primer for application according to package instructions. For an even coat of paint, sweep the can horizontally and vertically past the mirror as you spray. Do not get too close to the stencil, or the primer may bleed between the stencil and the mirror, making a total mess. Lots of lightly sprayed layers are far better than one dripping coat of paint – trust me.
If you do make a mistake, or one of your letters ends up bleeding, you can easily scratch off the primer within an hour or so of application. Just use a dull object with a fairly sharp edge; I used the side of the tape dispenser for more precise removal of letters where I applied too much primer too quickly, causing them to bleed.
diy mirror makeover stencil your favorite quote on a mirror, crafts, how to, painted furniture
Step 7 | Allow the paint to dry for approximately an hour before removing the stencil. Otherwise, you risk smearing the freshly applied paint.
diy mirror makeover stencil your favorite quote on a mirror, crafts, how to, painted furniture
Step 8 | Step back and admire your work of art.

Suggested materials:

  • Mirror  (
  • Custom Stencil  (
  • White Primer  (The Home Depot)

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