Fun And Festive Fall Porch
This is the first house I've lived in that had a real front porch, so I get a little obsessed with decorating it sometimes. This fall I decided to go with a somewhat traditional decor scheme of cornstalks and mums. Nothing really super duper fancy, but soooooo much more than any of my neighbors do, so I am a little embarrassed to be caught in my front yard taking photos of it :) It makes me happy when I
My fall 2013 porch
Traditional cornstalks and mums were the basis for my porch decor this year
I made the chevron pillows with inexpesive burlap fabric found at Hobby Lobby
Tall bushel baskets and old buckets hold the fall mums and cabbage/kale.
My DIY fall wreath
Cornstalks and mums stand beside the garage
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