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Bottle Cap Mosaic Chairs

I recycled my worn and rotted metal patio chairs into a bottle cap craft you can sit on!
Difficulty: Medium
  • bottle cap mosaic chairs, crafts, outdoor furniture, painted furniture, repurposing upcycling, tiling
My mosaic bistro table and chairs were so rotted mushrooms grew in the chairs!
  • bottle cap mosaic chairs, crafts, outdoor furniture, painted furniture, repurposing upcycling, tiling
I took the chairs apart with a screwdriver, cleaned the rust off the iron chairs with a metal brush, and gave them a new rust inhibiting paint job. Using the seat as a template, I traced it and cut new seats from plywood with a jigsaw.
  • bottle cap mosaic chairs, crafts, outdoor furniture, painted furniture, repurposing upcycling, tiling
I gave both sides of the wood seat a protective coat of outdoor paint. When it was dry I used the bottle caps as tiles and went with a circles of black, gold, red, and green bottlecaps on each of my chairs based on what bottle caps we have on hand. The brands are different on each chair but the cap colors stay the same so they coordinate.
  • bottle cap mosaic chairs, crafts, outdoor furniture, painted furniture, repurposing upcycling, tiling
After a few days the grout was thoroughly dried. I sealed the seats to protect the metal bottlecaps from rusting outside. Once they were dry, I screwed the seats to the chair frame and put them outside on my porch.

Materials used for this project:

  • Bottlecaps
  • Metal chair frame
  • Screwdriver
  • Screws
  • Wire brush
  • Spray paint
  • Plywood
  • Pencil
  • Jigsaw
  • Construction adhesive
  • Grout and grouting materials
  • Sealant

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