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Martha Washington Sewing Cabinet

I had been wanting a Martha Washington sewing cabinet forever. So when I found one in a local thrift store for $35.00 I couldn't pass it up. It definitely needed a makeover so I searched online for a little inspiration and saw so many cute cabinets. I mulled it over and decided what it needed was a little color. Once finished it was exactly what I needed for my sewing room. I'm very happy with the result.

Time: 6 Hours Cost: $50 Difficulty: Easy
  • martha washington sewing cabinet
This is the front of the cabinet. The wood was faded especially the legs.
  • martha washington sewing cabinet
You can see how the top was faded. I was told the cabinet had been placed in a sunny window for years.
  • martha washington sewing cabinet
The cabinet was in good overall shape. It just needed a little pizzazz.
  • martha washington sewing cabinet
Here is the cabinet after. I used home made chalk paint. The top is white, the body is a nice blue and the drawers are midnight blue. I used a metallic green craft paint for the top edge.
  • martha washington sewing cabinet
I stenciled the sides with midnight blue paint.

  • martha washington sewing cabinet
I painted the legs with white, midnight blue and metallic green.
  • martha washington sewing cabinet
I bought new ceramic drawer pulls in shades of blue and green.
  • martha washington sewing cabinet
I finished the piece with MIniwax Polycrylic sealer and gave it two coats.

Materials used for this project:

  • Home made chalk paint   (Original paint from Ace Hardware store.)
  • Miniwax polycrylic sealer   (Ace Hardware store)
  • Stencil   (Amazon)
  • Ceramic drawer pulls.   (Ebay)

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